Author: Hannah XX

I’ve Looked at Life from Both Sides Now (or, Men Aren’t from Mars, but Testosterone Is)

Four Years of HRT. What’s New?

This Morning I Woke up in a Curfew

Another Day, Another U.S. State I Can’t Pee In (or On)

National Coming out Day, You’re Doing It Wrong

Turn Me on, Dead Man (Or, Autogynephilia, and Isn’t It about Time for Revolution #10?)

“Passing” (Or, If You Can’t Win, Change the Rules of the Game)

Please Let It Be Over

No Egg to Crack Here?

Save the Bees! (That Are Stinging My Face)

Orchids Bloom in My Heart

Christian Nationalists LOVE Trans Porn, Go Figure

Dear Mr. Hannah

What Is Forgiveness?

Three Years of Hormone Replacement Therapy

Woman’s Work, or How I Went from Expert to Invisible

Not Today Satan (Or, a Fascist Clutching a Cross and Wailing Jesus’ Name Is Still a Fascist)

Fan Mail from Some Flounder

Development Milestones for Your 3-year-old Child (Or, I’ve Been Out for Three Years, How Have You Been?)

Stop Me If I’ve Talked about Electrolysis Before…

Spilling Tea

The Incredible Shrinking World of a Bunch of People Who Are Just Trying to Mind Their Own Business

A Year in the Life of a Lip (Electrolysis Again)

Leaving Anger Behind

Clothes Again, Clothes Again, Jiggity-jig

Gender Is a Social Construct, Right? Yeaaahhh, I’m Not So Sure.

Where Did Hannah XX Come from and Why Is She Here?

Accidental Activist Part II, The Reckoning

Accidental Activist

Her scent stayed with me until Friday noon

The Joyous, Fulfilling, and Never-Ending World of the Common, Simple Website

You Can’t Blame the Youth

Coming to Grips

What Not To Say to a Trans Person

Queer Game Night

The Card Game Is over, Please Collect Your Coats and Winnings

Your Papers, Please

Building a Woman out of Barbed Wire, Broken Sticks, and Rusty Nails

More estrogen and thinking about my father

Fuck you, I win. (And it only took nine months.)

Thank you for calling, I’m Mrs. Cerrado, I’ll be your soulless bureaucratic robot today.

Last Electrolysis Post for a While (I Promise)

Pins and Needles

Needles and Pins

(Local) Government Discrimination, Hair, Boobs, and Crying. Lots of Crying.

Rest Easy: Bureaucracy Is Still in Effect!

Doubling Down

Dear Old Dad, Part Two (Or, Nothing You Can Do, but You Can Learn How To Be You in Time)