Don’t Mind Me, I Don’t Exist Anymore

I can’t bring myself to type his name, but the new president did as he promised, and on his first day in office, he executive ordered me out of existence.


I knew this was coming; we all did. But they didn’t waste any time, did they?

Sec. 2. Policy and Definitions. It is the policy of the United States to recognize two sexes, male and female. These sexes are not changeable and are grounded in fundamental and incontrovertible reality.

So, apparently, the United States no longer recognizes me because I’m not “grounded in fundamental and incontrovertible reality.” I’m not sure what to say about that, other than ask if that means I don’t have to pay taxes now.

Sec. 3. (d) The Secretaries of State and Homeland Security […] shall implement changes to require that government-issued identification documents, including passports, visas, and Global Entry cards, accurately reflect the holder’s sex, as defined under section 2 of this order.


I was afraid this would be part of it, so I made sure to get my new passport before this…regime took over.

I’m not afraid of them taking it away from me because I think they’d have a hard time rescinding the valid federal documents of a large group of people. Surely anyone who believes in “freedom” would oppose that, right? Hmm, can we be sure of anything anymore?

There’s so much more to the order. 1,886 words more!

But it’s redundant. Just paragraph after paragraph of wrongminded, misinformed hate and pitiful yearning for a Leave It To Beaver world that never really existed. They could have boiled the whole thing down to a couple of sentences:

Trans people being free makes us uncomfortable for reasons we don’t care to understand. Let’s just get rid of them so we don’t have to look at them anymore.

I think I understand what motivates this kind of oppression and hatred politically (spoiler alert: it’s cynical—or fearful— pandering to a vocal super-minority), but I’ll never understand it personally. I’ll never understand why anyone cares.

And I’ll really never understand why anyone utterly unaffected by our existence can literally become obsessed with eliminating us. I mean, I guess I can understand it if you’re a queer person who’s still in the closet. Some of us do all we can to distance ourselves from queer stuff because we don’t want anyone to know our secrets.

By the way, that doesn’t work. I can tell you from personal experience that it doesn’t make you feel any better about yourself, only worse. That’s my message to you far-right people who are still in the closet, fighting against those of us who are out. I see you. Come to the light, children, come to the light!

The angry, radical punk clinging to survival inside me wrote a very different version of this post. 🤪 But the person who strives for freedom through forgiveness won’t let them post it. 😉

Anger is the easy road sometimes, but look where anger has gotten us. Nowhere, man. Marvin Gaye said it in What’s Going On: “War is not the answer; only love can conquer hate.” But that was a sentiment from more than half a century ago.

war is over if you want it

I still believe war is not the answer, and a lot of other dusty hippie shit, but it feels like fewer and fewer people agree with each passing year.

I hold out hope for the youth. They’re strong but have a tough road ahead of them. The pendulum will swing back to love, though; it’s inevitable. Back and forth we go.

Things may be swinging back hard for now, but hold on and stay free!


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  1. These are dark days. Stay real. Stay strong. Be you. The beautiful amazing you. I will keep fighting for you and them and all of my friends and family and the people I haven’t met yet and the ones I never will. No one can take this away. Ever. Because it is real. And none of their fucking business.

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