Republicans are Obsessed with Searching for Transgender Porn, says a headline on The article goes on to show that people in the places most likely to have successfully passed anti-trans legislation really love ’em some good old trans porn!
Thanks to Erin Reed’s Erin In The Morning Substack for talking about this. You should subscribe to Erin In The Morning because she’s on top of all the news related to being trans in America and everywhere else on Earth. You will be profoundly depressed by some of the things she writes about, but we have to know these things. We have to know the enemy.
But sometimes “the enemy is us,” right? I mean, if you’re one of those bible-wavers pleasuring yourself with trans porn, anyway.
This is something I’ve always suspected about anti-trans…people, let’s call them, giving them the benefit of the doubt. People who are ashamed of their desires, needs, or proclivities often speak out against the very things that they love so as to distance themselves from the notion that they might be drawn to or interested in or partake in something “taboo.” So how better to deflect from your abiding love for trans porn than to introduce legislation making it illegal to be trans? That’ll throw ’em off the scent!
But that’s politics and society in a nutshell, isn’t it? A bunch of people who really don’t give a damn what you or I do (because they’re doing it too) arguing loudly against who they really are. They do that in order to fit in. To go with the political flow. They’re catering to a small minority of sex-obsessed Christian Nationalists who won’t rest until the House of Representatives is made up entirely of chaste Puritans, and every session begins with a ceremonial wife beating or witch burning.
So, we end up with what you see below. The top map is where the most anti-trans legislation festers. The bottom map is where most people search for trans porn.
So you can see that they want to fuck us with their laws, and they want to fuck us with whatever’s in their pants. They’re consistent anyway. I’ll give them that.
The issue here, of course, isn’t who gives them a boner. It’s hypocrisy. But hypocrisy is old-fashioned. It’s a quaint, dusty idea that is utterly meaningless now. The radical right-wing Christian Nationalists have killed it by creating a new race that doesn’t recognize hypocrisy, and if they do, they reflexively dismiss it as “fake news.”
Believe me, I understand the enemy being us. I mean, I was in the closet for half a century, so I know a thing or two about the corrosive effect of shame. But I didn’t, you know, try to eliminate other trans people.
I don’t understand people. I mean, I always used to say that most people are pretty smart, and they get caught up in this nightmarish recreation of the Third Reich in the same way that anyone can be lured into a cult. But I don’t believe that anymore. I’m afraid I believe that the lunatic fringe on the right—which seems at times to be the entire right—is just made up of profoundly stupid people who lack any trace of human empathy.
Prove me wrong.
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